Principal Investigator

Prof. Markus B. Raschke
[email protected]
Office: F535, (303)492-1366
Cell: (720)315-9705
Interest in linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy at surfaces and of nanostructures. For simultaneous spatial information we explore new routes for ultrahigh resolution optical imaging far beyond the diffraction limit. Topics include single molecule spectroscopy, surface photochemistry, molecular plasmonics as well as surface electron dynamics and electron-phonon interaction.
2010-present: University of Colorado
2006-2010: University of Washington
2002-2006: Staff Scientist, Max-Born-Institute for Nonlinear and Ultrafast Optics, and Humboldt University, Berlin
1999-2001: Postdoc, University of California, Berkeley
1995-1999: PhD, Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics, and Technische Universitat, Munich
Postdoctoral Researchers

Roland Wilcken
Postdoctoral fellow
[email protected]
Office: C229
Interested in the understanding of photochemical and photocatalytic reactions by ultrafast spectroscopy and ultrafast nano-imaging methods. Also interested in the investigation and coherent control of chemical reactions and nanostructured materials with phase-shaped laser pulses in the tip-enhanced strong coupling regime.
PhD 2020- LMU Munich – Advisor: Eberhard Riedle
Graduate Students

Ben Whetten
Physics Graduate Student
[email protected]
Office: D1B21
Tip enhanced photoluminescence spectroscopy and cavity nano-optics

Richard Puro
Physics Graduate Student
[email protected]
Office: D1B17
Infrared ultrafast spectroscopy and tip-enhanced strong coupling.

Elizabeth Kane
Physics Graduate Student
[email protected]
Office: D1B19
s-SNOM measurements using grated tips at room and cryogenic temperatures

Sean Driskill
Physics Graduate Student
[email protected]
Office: D1B17
SNOM and tip-enhanced spectroscopy at cryogenic temperatures.

Branden Esses
Physics Graduate Student
[email protected]
Office: D1B21
Ultrafast pump-probe IR s-SNOM on hard and soft matter materials

Máté Garai
Physics Graduate Student
[email protected]
Office: D1B17
Infrared s-SNOM on both soft and hard matter materials

Patrick Mckee
Physics Graduate Student
[email protected]
Office: D1B19
Infrared s-SNOM on both soft and hard matter materials
Undergraduate Students

Nic Kowalyk
Physics Undergraduate Research Assistant
[email protected]
Engineering physics design in Ultra-High Vacuum and cryogenic systems involving tip-enhanced atomic force spectroscopy

Brian O’Callahan
Staff Scientist
[email protected]
Development of low and room temperature ultrafast infrared s-SNOM at our partner laboratory PNNL/EMSL as part of the user facility to image biological and environmental systems. Experience with tracking ultrafast Surface Plasmon Polariton pulses in space and time using heterodyne detection technique. Studying charge/energy transfer and imaging optoelectronic properties of many low dimensional materials at nanoscale using correlated
single molecule spectroscopy and electrostatic force microscopy (EFM).

Tao Jiang
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Tongji University
Tip-enhanced linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of low-dimensional materials and related devices; meanwhile I am designing a cryogen-free TERS system with Kyoung-Duck Park.
PhD 2015 – Fudan University, China – Advisor: Dr. Shiwei Wu

Fabian Menges
Branco Weiss Fellow
[email protected]
Investigates the elementary steps of thermodynamic processes in quantum materials and molecules, by developing thermo-plasmonic nano-imaging and spectroscopy technique with spatio-temporal resolution down to the nanometer-femtosecond scale. Interested in the thermalization of molecular structures, the emergence of dissipative structures in strongly correlated materials, local thermoelectric effects in topological materials, phononic control of quantum phases, caloric effects in ferroic materials, polariton transport in van der Waals-layered materials.
PhD 2014 – ETH Zurich
Former Group Members

John Altenhofen Undergraduate research; LANL
Nathan Londres Undergraduate research
Ryan Allenson Undergraduate research
Yueying Wang Graduate student
Wenjin Luo Postdoc 2024
Emily Chavez Graduate Student
Fatema Fairooz Graduate Student
Sam Turner Undergraduate research
Nick Entin Undergraduate research
Andreij C. Gadelha Postdoc 2022
Kathryn Hasz Postdoc 2022; Professor, Carthage College
Rui Lyu Postdoc 2022
Peter Lande Undergraduate research
Zuocheng Hu Undergraduate research
Thomas Gray Graduate Student, PhD 2021
Dylan Wharton Undergraduate research
Sam Johnson Graduate Student, PhD 2021; Intel
Booke Wei Undergraduate Student
Rossell-Eddy, Diana Undergraduate Student
Jun Nishida Postdoc; Institute for Molecular Science
Sven Doenges Graduate Student, PhD 2020; Postdoc 2021; Advanced Conductor Technologies
Detao Liu Graduate Student, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
Chengda Pan Graduate Student, China Eastern Normal University, Shanghai
Chuanlin Li Graduate Student, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) Chengdu
Joy Ma Undergraduate, MIT
Zhou Zhou Graduate student, Tongji University
Molly May Graduate student, Phd 2019; Postdoc, University of Innsbruck
Omar Khatib Postdoc 2019; Staff Scientist, Duke University
Kyoung-Duck Park Postdoc 2018; Professor, UNIST, South Korea
Eric Muller Postdoc 2018; Professor, Colgate University
Evan Anderson Undergraduate Honor student 2018; Graduate student, University of Arizona, Tucson
Brian O’Callahan Graduate student, PhD 2017; Postdoc, PNNL/EMSL
Jiarong Wang Master student 2017
Vasily Kravtsov Graduate student, PhD 2017; Postdoc, ITMO University (Saint Petersburg)
Ben Pollard Graduate student, PhD 2017; Postdoc CU PER group
Bernd Metzger Postdoc 2017; Research Scientist, TRUMPF
Ronald Ulbricht Postdoc 2016; Nanyang Technological University
Peter Van Blerkom Masters Student 2016
Dan Hammerland Honors thesis 2016
Honghua Yang Graduate student, PhD 2015; Bruker Inc.
Joanna Atkin Postdoc 2014; Professor, UNC Chapel Hill
Silke Möbius exchange student DAAD-RISE 2014,; graduate student at University of Göttingen
Paul Sass Honors Thesis 2013, Researcher at PNNL; graduate student Rutgers
Sam Berweger Graduate student, PhD 2012; Postdoc NIST
Justin Gerber Honor thesis 2013; graduate student UC Berkeley
Molly May Honors thesis 2012; graduate student CU Boulder
Rob Olmon Graduate student, PhD 2012; Intel Portland
Andrew Jones Graduate student, PhD 2012; Postdoc University of Wisconsn, Madison
Evan Jasper Honors thesis 2012; graduate student Ohio State
Xiaoji Xu Postdoc 2011; Professor, Lehigh University
Emily Chavez undergraduate/REU, 2010-2012;
Erik Hebestreit exchange student DAAD-RISE 2010, Diplom thesis 2012; graduate student University of Jena
Simon Hannibal exchange student DAAD-RISE 2010; Manchester University
Ryan Murdick postdoc, 2010; RHK
Erik Josberger undergraduate research, visiting scientist, 2006-2010; graduate student UW
Kseniya Deryckx undergraduate/graduate student, MS 2010; University of Washington School of Medicine
Julie Cass REU student, 2010; graduate student UW
Alexandria Anderson graduate student, MS 2010; Femtolasers, Max-Born Institute
Catalin Neacsu graduate student Max-Born-Institute, PhD 2008, postdoc UW 2010; Femtolasers
Friedrich Kirchner Diplom thesis, Humboldt University, 2009; Attoworld
Matthias Rang Diplom Max-Born-Institute, UW, 2007; Forschungsinstitut am Goetheanum, CH
Rachel Hinman summer student, 2009
Brent Crabtree undergraduate, 2009
Felix Rust undergraduate research, 2002-2004
Gesine Steudle undergraduate research 2003-2004; PhD Humboldt University 2012
Leo Molina graduate student 2003; PhD University of Tubingen 2010, TU Darmstadt